Site information

Begin Here: Rules, Updates, etc ( 45 threads + 308 posts )

New members need to first peruse through this board as it includes all the rules, updates, site timeline, and important information to help guide you along your way.

Dean Stewart Avatar
Site Mini Plot 2: Poachers Oct 2, 2024 1:56:20 GMT
Site Lore Expansion ( 6 threads + 19 posts )

While we're based on JK Rowling's Wizarding World, we have been working towards expanding our site and our site lore to make Inside New Hogwarts more our own. All site lore including spells, potions, creatures, books, canon information, famous people and locations that are part of the Wizarding World and our own imaginations shall be located here.

Lu "Alice" Miaoyu Avatar
Spells List Oct 3, 2024 5:03:27 GMT
Wizarding News ( 13 threads + 76 posts )

Wizarding News is headquarters to such newspapers as The Daily Prophet which brings magical households updates on all things happening around the magical world and Witch Weekly which features its articles on love, romance and trying to play matchmaker by showcasing the hottest face of the month in the wizarding world.

Dean Stewart Avatar
Now Hiring! Oct 6, 2024 20:40:05 GMT
Absences ( 7 threads + 16 posts )

If you are going to be away for any length of time, please post a thread here notifying staff of your absence

Character Creation

Applications ( 289 threads + 771 posts )

This is where you start your journey! Create a character by filling out a Character Application. Additionally, you'll be able to apply for an ability or creature status here as well.

Kim Sun Avatar
Amend a Character Oct 15, 2024 22:02:15 GMT
Registries & Job Office ( 24 threads + 71 posts )

Your one stop shop for all things including character job office, registries, playby claims, member list, skills, etc.

Character Development

Plotting ( 36 threads + 346 posts )

Make and create your plots here.

Biographies ( 17 threads + 117 posts )

Detailed character biographies, family biographies and anything else biography related to characters can be found here. This is NOT mandatory.

Miscellaneous ( 11 threads + 53 posts )

Bits and Bobs, Thread Trackers, Journals, etc. for your characters can be placed here. This is NOT mandatory.

Wanted Ads ( 41 threads + 82 posts )

Looking for a specific plot or more family members? Advertise in here!

Jisoo A. Hwang Avatar
BESTIE, OH BESTIE [FEM AD] Oct 9, 2024 11:17:18 GMT

Special Events

Special Events Info ( 5 threads + 74 posts )

This board is where you will find out all information about all sitewide events whether they are IC or OOC events. The information will be here for the duration of the event and then archived in the subboard once the event is over.

Rosie Huntington Avatar
Bobbing for Apples Oct 7, 2024 10:08:18 GMT
Current Special Events ( 17 threads + 94 posts )

Whenever we host an event, all the RP threads resulting from the event will be posted in this thread. This board will take place of the ballroom and be home to ALL events.

Trixie Dolohov Avatar

Hogwarts Castle

The Ground Floor ( 21 threads + 344 posts )

Upon entering through the huge oak doors, students find themselves in a grand entrance hall where the house points hourglasses can be found but the even more glorious site is the vast marble staircase. To the right is the great hall and the stairs to the kitchens and Hufflepuff basement

The Classrooms ( 495 threads + 5,948 posts )

There are many classrooms scattered throughout its halls. Notably, Potions is located in the dungeons, Astronomy and Divination are located in the towers and Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, and Flying are generally located outside/in the greenhouses.

The Common Rooms ( 21 threads + 106 posts )

When Hogwarts was rebuilt, the Wizarding World opted to include an Inter-House Common Room located on the fifth floor. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were returned to their towers, Slytherin remained in their dungeons and Hufflepuff went back to their happy hobbit hole near the kitchens.

The Dungeons & Basement ( 7 threads + 25 posts )

The dungeons beneath Hogwarts are rather gloomy, sometimes there are rats scurrying about (and I don't mean the Slytherins). There are various empty rooms, the Potions classroom and the kitchens can be found down here.

The Corridors ( 34 threads + 172 posts )

Many corridors exist along the levels of Hogwarts where one might find such rooms as the Library, the Hospital Wing, the Room or Requirement, and much more, like the bathrooms! The corridors are often long and straight passages lined with suits of armor or portraits that talk one's ear off.

The Towers ( 10 threads + 34 posts )

The towers of Hogwarts; besides the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw towers, there's also the Astronomy Tower which leads to an outside viewing platform with large, expensive telescopes and warm cosy blankets to stay warm. The Divination tower leads to a circular room full of pillows and crystal balls, smelling like tea.

Hogwarts Grounds

The Courtyards ( 11 threads + 31 posts )

Hogwarts houses multiple courtyards around the castle which each hold their own charms. Students can enjoy the various statues, as well as the greenery and benches placed in these areas.

The Lawns ( 20 threads + 91 posts )

Rolling hills of grassy greens span outward to the forbidden forest and the lake and to the village. These lawns are well kept by the groundskeeper and home to many little critters scurrying about. Students enjoy lounging in the grass soaking up the sun. Be careful though, the Whomping Willow is nearby!

The Great Lake ( 18 threads + 79 posts )

The Great lake, also known as the Black lake, begins at Hogwarts and touches down near Hogsmeade Village. It is home to many magical and mundane creatures including mermaids, grindylows, and the giant squid! Swimming is discouraged but kids do it anyway.

The Forbidden Forest ( 6 threads + 35 posts )

Forbidden for a reason, there are all sorts of dangers lurking beneath these thick trees which sucks the light right out of the world once one is deep within the forest. Spiders, centaurs, Acromantula, werewolves, anything one might fear could be in these woods.

Out of Character

Advertising ( 355 threads + 552 posts )

Come here to advertise your site or affiliate with us!

Guest Friendly!

Artemis H. Hwang Avatar
shula - pokemon rpg Oct 9, 2024 10:59:33 GMT
Chat & Games ( 27 threads + 6,880 posts )

Want to chat about other things or just partake in the games? Jump in!

Hou Yichen Avatar
Matched In Heaven Oct 15, 2024 19:53:49 GMT
Creative board ( 18 threads + 133 posts )

In this board, you can release your creative spirits. Post in the correct board and display your creations, or open up a graphic shop if you'd like.

The Archives ( 3,323 threads + 32,048 posts )

This board houses all the archived roleplay threads, plot planners, classes and quidditch games. Threads will be moved here if they haven't been replied to for two months, if the character is shelved or deleted or if the classes and quidditch games have finished.


Recent Threads + Recent Posts

( 0 Staff + 2 Members + 8 Guests )

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7,801 total threads
74,033 total posts
305 total members